Julia's NMIX Blog

All things New Media!

Monday, October 09, 2006

google and you tube

So google officially bought youtube for 1.65 billion dollars. damn. im a fan of google, i would give them my first born child in exchange for keeping my gmail account. and i like youtube, as i have spent countless bored afternoons checking stuff out to send to my little brother.
but im kinda freaked out about how this is going to affect youtube. i know they make nothing from advertising pretty much, and google has promised to allow them to retain a separate office and all of the company's employees, but they are going to need to make some mad money to make up for all that cash...
so now what? am i going to have to watch obnoxious ads before clips? i hate that. or are they going to have several "sponsored" results which i can easily ignore?
its a matter of making money and keeping their clients who are also their suppliers. its a tricky situation.


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