Julia's NMIX Blog

All things New Media!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

First Post

I will begin the semester by admitting my addiction to being connected. I can't not have my cell phone on me, and not having access to the internet when at home can and will drive me crazy. How crazy? Here's a story...

I moved in to my new house in Athens (off of Prince Ave.) the Saturday before classes started. The amazing people at Charter Communications would only be able to set up the internet until Wednesday (Gasp!). At first I was like, no big deal, I'll just go get some coffee and use their wireless. But by Monday I was wide awake and broke. And even Hot Corner was closing at like 1am... So what was I to do on a Monday night, needing to obsessively check my email at 2:30am? So me and my loser roommates drove downtown, laptops in hand, and parked in front of North Campus. We set up camp there for about an hour, emailing, facebooking, myspacing, banking, checking class schedules (or attempting to... stupid Oasis stops working that late). People were giving us the strangest looks, like "what are 3 girls doing on computers in the middle of the night, in a car downtown?" A certain man, whose housing status was questionable, asked us if we were spies. I said yes. My roommates said I was being mean. Oh well.
The things I will do for internet... Dear Athens Cloud/WAGZone/whatever you're called, I love you!
See you on Tuesday...
ps: I wasn't sure what to write. I hope this counts.


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