ahhh explosions!

If I had to choose two things I love in this world it would be computers and explosions. However, I prefer that these two passions remain as far away from each other as possible. By now you've heard of all the batteries in Apple and Dell computers blowing up left and right (339 cases recorded mostly all thanks to Sony). As the mother of a Dell laptop, and as the adoptive mother of an iBook, this really worried me. But I checked all the websites, compared serial numbers and such, and neither computer has a damaged battery. But then I came upon another reason to worry. Apparently the powers that be are planning on banning laptop computers from being used on planes. In that case, couldn't anything with a battery somehow explode? Are they going to ban iPods, PSPs, portable DVD players, etc? The reason a lot of New Media products are popular is because of their portability, and with portability comes battery power. Yeah, a computer could explode mid-flight, but someone could also accidently trip on your power cord (which is plugged under your cramped seat) and fall onto the beverage cart, which would then roll down the aisle and smack into a first class passenger who would then spill his $15 gin and tonic onto a sleeping socialite whose chihuahua would start barking and scare a flight attendant into the cockpit, accidently spilling hot coffee onto the pilot's lap, who would then scream in pain and let go of the joystick which would then cause the plane to spiral into oblivion and crash into a sleazy motel in Florida... Hey, it's possible...
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