Julia's NMIX Blog

All things New Media!

Monday, October 30, 2006

I just had to share

So in the spirit of Halloween, I had to share this Russian mp3 player prototype.
According to the creator of the "Saint B," this is the information given.
"Flash-player in a chrome-plated steel body frame.
Control elements and OLED-display are covered by flexible, semi-transparent plastic. A log in to the computer and charging are via USB port. "
For more info, click here.

Monday, October 16, 2006


YouMail is a free service which allows people to record different voicemail messages for individual phone numbers calling you, based on caller ID info. Express your undying affection to your significant other, tell your creepy ex to buzz off, or show your sense of humor while remaining professional to your boss. I can see a great use for this product.
The pros:
It's free.
It's easy to use.
It's a good idea.
It could be very popular with people with lots of time on their hands, i.e. teens.
The cons:
Sends you a text message to inform of new voicemail, could get expensive.
Currently only works with Cingular, Verizon and T-Mobile.
No new sign ups are being allowed due to recent popularity.

As soon as it lets me sign up, I'm all in.

Monday, October 09, 2006

google and you tube

So google officially bought youtube for 1.65 billion dollars. damn. im a fan of google, i would give them my first born child in exchange for keeping my gmail account. and i like youtube, as i have spent countless bored afternoons checking stuff out to send to my little brother.
but im kinda freaked out about how this is going to affect youtube. i know they make nothing from advertising pretty much, and google has promised to allow them to retain a separate office and all of the company's employees, but they are going to need to make some mad money to make up for all that cash...
so now what? am i going to have to watch obnoxious ads before clips? i hate that. or are they going to have several "sponsored" results which i can easily ignore?
its a matter of making money and keeping their clients who are also their suppliers. its a tricky situation.